Interestingly, mildy weak Bayesian priors (Beta(1,1)) help smooth over this bad behaviour ("Objective" priors do not).
The image to the right shows simulations of the PCRD, comparing Maximum Likelihood estimation versus a Bayesian model... notice the infinite CI's and boundary level MLEs for Program MARK! (See the full article link below)
Hierarchical Bayesian PCRD
The world is going Bayesian, but few people understand why. Here, the true power of Bayesian Inference is revealed in a hierarchical specification for the survival, detection and migration parameters: in particular, we shrink between "time-invariant theta(.)" models and "time-varying theta(t)" models. I found that applying a particular type of shrinkage-inducing hyperprior, called the "Scaled Half Student-t distribution", lead to somewhat similar estimates as "model-averaging" over many MLE-based fixed effect models (run in Mark).
Hierarchical Bayes provides a type of automatic "Occam's Razor" (Berger 2004), in that when there is sparse/weak data, the hyprprior shrinks the model to a simple model, but when there is a lot of evidence in the data or a large sample size, the hyperprior is easily overwhelmed and the model takes on a lot of complexity. Reassuringly, the final estimates seem insensitive to exact hyper-parameter values. As shown in the following animation...

I decided to upload an R & JAGS tutorial on github: Users can run simple fixed effects Bayesian PCRD models, or they can run a Hierarchical Bayesian version that includes: i) Individual Heterogeneity in detection probabilities; and ii) recruitment processes; and iii) uses a hyperprior to apply a type of "multimodel" inference. All things seem to unify in HB.
JAGS code: Fixed effects Bayesian PCRD
Here JAGS code to run the simple fixed model of the PCRD: phi(.)gamma'(.)gamma''(t)p(t,s). This is just for interested readers. Serious users should consult the github demonstration
. This implements the PCRD as a Bayesian HMM. Anyone who uses this JAGS code should cite: "Rankin RW, Nicholson K, Allen SJ, Krützen M, Bejder L, Pollock KH. 2016. A full-capture Hierarchical Bayesian model of Pollock's Closed Robust Design and application to dolphins. Frontiers in Marine Science, in Press. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2016.00025". The article is available here
# priors
phi ~ dbeta(1,1) # apparent survival probability (adjust for ecological
gamma1 ~ dbeta(1.2,1,2) # temp migration: probabilty stays out conditional on being out
# loop through primary periods: parameters for detection probability pd_t, and gamma2_t
for(t_ in 1:T){ # T primary periods...
pd_a[t_] ~ dgamma(3,2) # hyperprior on detect probs
pd_b[t_] ~ dgamma(3,2) # hyperprior on detect probs
for(tt_ in 1:T2[t_]){ # loop through secondary periods...
pd[t_,tt_] ~ dbeta(pd_a[t_],pd_b[t_]) # secondard-period-level detection probs
gamma2[t_] ~ dbeta(1,1) # temp migration: prob migrates outside conditional on being inside
# recruitment process from 'eigenvector decomposition'
lambda[1,t_] <- (1-gamma1)/(gamma2[t_]-gamma1+1) # recruitment ratio, or long-term prob of being inside
lambda[2,t_] <- 1-lambda[1,t_] #
psi[t_] ~ dunif(0,1) # inclusion probability
# trmat: transition matrix for Markovian latent-states
# 1 =not yet in population;2=dead;3=offsite;4=onsite (only observable state)
# transition are from the column --> rows
# trmat[row,column,time] = [state at time=t_; state at time t_-1; time=t_]
trmat[1,1,t_] <- 1-psi[t_] # excluded from pop
trmat[2,1,t_] <- 0 # dead
trmat[3,1,t_] <- psi[t_]*lambda[2,t_] # inclusion into pop, outside study are
trmat[4,1,t_] <- psi[t_]*lambda[1,t_] # inclusion into pop, inside study area
trmat[1,2,t_]<- 0
trmat[2,2,t_]<- 1 # stay dead
trmat[3,2,t_]<- 0
trmat[4,2,t_]<- 0
trmat[1,3,t_]<- 0
trmat[2,3,t_]<- 1-phi # dies outside
trmat[3,3,t_]<- gamma1*phi # stays outside | outside
trmat[4,3,t_]<- (1-gamma1)*phi # reenters study area | outside
trmat[1,4,t_]<- 0 #
trmat[2,4,t_]<- 1-phi # dies inside
trmat[3,4,t_]<- gamma2[t_]*phi # leaves study area | inside
trmat[4,4,t_]<- (1-gamma2[t_])*phi # stays inside | inside
} # t_
# likelihood: loop through M individuals, both real and pseudo-individuals
for (i in 1:M){
#draw latent state at primary period 1:
# ... by definition, everyone starts in z=1 (not-in-population) at time=0
z[i,1]~ dcat(trmat[1:4,1,1]) # first z strictly excluded from pop
# likelihood for first primary period
for(tt_ in 1:T2[1]){ # loop through secondary periods
# Bernouilli process, conditional on z=4, otherwise no observation
y[i,tt_,1] ~ dbern(pd[1,tt_]*equals(z[i,1],4))
alive_i[i,1] <- step(z[i,1]-3) # count if i is alive or not
Nin_i[i,1] <- equals(z[i,1],4) # count if i is within study area
# loop through primary periods after 1st primary periods
for(t_ in 2:T){
# state process: draw z(t_) conditional on z(t_-1)
z[i,t_] ~ dcat(trmat[1:4, z[i,t_-1] , t_])
# likelihood: loop through secondary period observations
for(tt_ in 1:T2[t_]){
# Bernouilli observation error, conditional on z=4
y[i,tt_,t_] ~ dbern(pd[t_,tt_]*equals(z[i,t_],4))
# tally population size
alive_i[i,t_] <- step(z[i,t_]-3) # check alive or not
Nin_i[i,t_] <- equals(z[i,t_],4) # count if i is within study area
} # t_
} # i
# estimate population size per primary periods
for(t_ in 1:T){
alive[t_] <- sum(alive_i[,t_]) # number alive
Nin[t_] <- sum(Nin_i[,t_]) # number in study area
} # t_
JAGS code: Hierarchical Bayesian PCRD
Here is JAGS code for a Hierarchical Bayesian Model, phi(t)gamma'(t)gamma''(t)p(t,s). The Hierarchical Part uses 'hyperpriors' to deliberately shrink time-varying specifications, like phi(t), to a simpler time-invariant specifications, phi(.). The result is a type of "model parsimony", with a similar type of smoothing as "model averaging". The following is just a visual demo for the casual reader; serious users should refer to the github page and download the full R code. Anyone who uses this JAGS code should cite: "Rankin RW, Nicholson K, Allen SJ, Krützen M, Bejder L, Pollock KH. 2016. A full-capture Hierarchical Bayesian model of Pollock's Closed Robust Design and application to dolphins. Frontiers in Marine Science, in Press. DOI:10.3389/fmars.2016.00025". The article is available here
#hyperpriors: logit(theta_mu)~Normal and theta_sd ~ half-t ~ dunif(pr.phiunif[1],pr.phiunif[2]) #mean survival with a Uniform prior
sigma.phi ~ dt(0,pr.tauphi[1],pr.tauphi[2]) T(0,) #mean survival dispersion, half-t hyperprior ~ dnorm(0,pr.g1mu) #mean gamma1, temp migration out | out
sigma.g1~dt(0,pr.taug1[1],pr.taug1[2]) T(0,) #mean gamma1 dispersion, half-t hyperprior ~ dnorm(0,pr.g2mu) #mean gamma2, temp migration out | in
sigma.g2~dt(0,pr.taug2[1],pr.taug2[2]) T(0,) #mean gamma2 dispersion, half-t hyperprior ~ dnorm(0,pr.pdmu) #mean detection prob, overall
sigma.pdmu~dt(0,pr.taupdmu[1],pr.taupdmu[2]) T(0,) #primary period detection prob dispersion
sigma.pd2nd~dt(0,pr.taupd2nd[1],pr.taupd2nd[2]) T(0,) #secondary periods detection prob dispersion
sigma.eps ~ dt(0,pr.taueps[1],pr.taueps[2]) T(0,) #individual detection prob dispersion
#time-variant parameters
for(t_ in 1:T){ #loop through primary periods
pd_mu[t_]~dnorm(,pow(sigma.pdmu,-2)) #primary period mean detaction prob (logit)
lgamma1[t_]~dnorm(,pow(sigma.g1,-2)) #prob migrate out|out (logit)
gamma1[t_] <- ilogit(lgamma1[t_]) #prob migrate out|out (probability)
lgamma2[t_]~dnorm(,pow(sigma.g2,-2)) #prob migrate out|in (logit)
gamma2[t_] <- ilogit(lgamma2[t_]) #prob migrate out|in (probability)
#RECRUITMENT: psi is the 'inclusion probability' and lambda is the 'recruitment ratio'
psi[t_]~dunif(0,1) #inclusion probability
lambda[t_] <- (1-gamma1[t_])/(gamma2[t_]-gamma1[t_]+1) #long-term probability inside study area
#NOTE, lambda could also be a random variable with a beta prior
#secondary-period detection probabilities
for(tt_ in 1:T2[t_]){ #loop through secondary periods
pd[t_,tt_] ~ dnorm(pd_mu[t_],pow(sigma.pd2nd,-2))
} #tt_
} #t_
#first state transition (pure nusance; strictly from outside-pop to part of marked-pop)
trmat0[1] <- (1-psi[1]) #remains not-yet-in-pop
trmat0[2] <- 0
trmat0[3] <- psi[1]*(1-lambda[1]) #inclusion into pop, goes outside study are
trmat0[4] <- psi[1]*lambda[1] #inclusion into pop, goes inside study
#state transitions (2:T)
for(t_ in 1:(T-1)){
lphi[t_]~dnorm(log(, pow(sigma.phi,-2)) #survival prob (logit)
#state transitions
#trmat: transition matrix for Markovian latent-states
#1 =not yet in population; 2=dead;3=offsite;4=onsite (only observable state)
#transition are from the column --> rows
#trmat[row,column,time] = [state at time=t_; state at time t_-1; time=t_]
#notice that the primary periods are offset by 1 (because we already dealt with T=1)
trmat[1,1,t_]<- 1-psi[t_+1] #excluded from pop
trmat[2,1,t_] <- 0 #dead
trmat[3,1,t_] <- psi[t_+1]*(1-lambda[t_+1]) #inclusion into pop,outside study
trmat[4,1,t_] <- psi[t_+1]*lambda[t_+1] #inclusion into pop,inside study
trmat[1,2,t_]<- 0
trmat[2,2,t_]<- 1 #stay dead
trmat[3,2,t_]<- 0
trmat[4,2,t_]<- 0
trmat[1,3,t_]<- 0
trmat[2,3,t_]<- 1-phi[t_] #dies outside
trmat[3,3,t_]<- gamma1[t_+1]*phi[t_] #stays outside | outside
trmat[4,3,t_]<- (1-gamma1[t_+1])*phi[t_] #reenters study area | outside
trmat[1,4,t_]<- 0 #
trmat[2,4,t_]<- 1-phi[t_] #dies inside
trmat[3,4,t_]<- gamma2[t_+1]*phi[t_] #leaves study area | inside
trmat[4,4,t_]<- (1-gamma2[t_+1])*phi[t_] #stays inside | inside
} #t_
#loop through M individuals
for (i in 1:M){
#state transitions and likelihood for the first primary period
z[i,1]~ dcat(trmat0) #z at time 0 is strictly 'not-yet-in-pop'
alive_i[i,1] <- step(z[i,1]-3) #count if i is alive or not
Nin_i[i,1] <- equals(z[i,1],4) #count if i is within study area
eps_i[i] ~ dnorm(0,pow(sigma.eps,-2)) #random effects at individual levels
#Observation error y[i,tt_,t_] ~ Bernoulli conditional on being inside z=4
for(tt_ in 1:T2[1]){ #loop through secondary periods
y[i,tt_,1] ~ dbern(equals(z[i,1],4)/(1+exp(-pd[1,tt_]-eps_i[i]))) #inverse-logit transform
#state transition and likelihood for primary periods 2:T
for(t_ in 2:T){
#State process: draw z(t_) conditional on z(t_-1)
z[i,t_] ~ dcat(trmat[1:4, z[i,t_-1] , t_-1])
#Observation error y[i,tt_,t_] ~ Bernoulli condition on being inside z=4
for(tt_ in 1:T2[t_]){ #loop through secondary periods
y[i,tt_,t_] ~ dbern(equals(z[i,t_],4)/(1+exp(-pd[t_,tt_]-eps_[i]))) #inverse-logit transform
#check whether i individual is alive and inside
alive_i[i,t_] <- step(z[i,t_]-3) #check alive
Nin_i[i,t_] <- equals(z[i,t_],4) #count if i is within study area
} #t_
} #i
#tally population size
for(t_ in 1:T){
alive[t_] <- sum(alive_i[,t_]) #number alive
Nin[t_] <- sum(Nin_i[,t_]) #number in study area
} #t_
} #end model
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